Spirits, what's the first thing that comes to mind when i say "the game"?
"You're ____ now, that's my attack! Nye heh heh!" (Runs)
Favorite Character who you want to hug after everything they've been through?
Favorite media that fits this 😳
Favorite portrayal of Lucifer/Satan/The Devil?
Favorite character(s) who fits this image
Say something disgusting. Outdo yourself, spirits.
Should we stop posting political questions?
Only _____ can save the world
Sprits, what is your favorite Pokémon?
I keep getting recommended this sub even though I know nothing about it ask me anything
Op is _____
Manny is _____
I wanna hold you, just for a while and dieeeee with a _______
G-U-Y that's what I be, G-U-Y as ____ as me.
who's really the US president?
Spirits, how did you die?
I am ____ weapons guy.
You can’t
Tf is this💔💔 Why he has 60,8k chats
America is _______
____ makes life worth living.