How to not hate people while working retail/customer service?
To touch someone else’s woman
Touching someone else’s woman
Most bosses on screen at once? (Flair isn't correct but closest posts intent)
Guy delivers pizza during a blizzard and turns 2$ tip into 40k
What a way to save on material
There's no way this is real.
Niche wall advice
Still going to miss it.
How 10’s should be.
What If the System Collapses Not by Revolt, But By Workers Simply Walking Away?
More than million people protesting...
One of the small scenes that annoys me on every rewatch is that Jim and Pam’s godparents are people she had met after getting pregnant.. Michael has a right to be ticked!
Mod Request: Block Ship Doors/Ladders
President Musk doesn’t like checks and balances.
Super Bowl Sunday. Pre-teen & Table Tablet. 500 Bread Puddings. Complete System Crash
Now we have The White House Office of Faith??
What makes you an authority on this, Doctor?
Who's your confront character?
Who's your confront character? (Other than Nate)
A group of cowardly neo-Nazis waving Nazi flags from an overpass in Ohio was confronted by Black residents, who seized one of their flags and burned it.
Legendary Armor or Epic WR module?
Customers who are pissed because you don’t know the competitor’s promotions
Kinda genius
People are dumb
Name one thing that mildly annoys you.
How do we feel about Omega?