[NC] If you don't have to carry id, how can police demand it?
Is 30 "not young anymore"?
Must have been fun for Socrates
DD is considered Charity Work
Hi, so this is insane
1F - Someone marked my friends car like this at some point in the last couple days around Bixby.
This note to drivers from Papa John’s in Bloomington, IN
Man saves everyone in the train
People that DoorDash and don’t tip!
CCW Firearm
PSA midtown drivers
earn per hour
Vertical vs Horizontal Morality Explains A Lot
The water delivery truck is more prepared than the firetruck lol
How big(or small) should my first bike be at 6'2, 34" inseam
No matter how safe you ride, there’s always someone not paying attention
AITAH For denying my husband a hall pass even though I don’t meet his sexual needs
Whirring sound coming from Ninja 300
Does the Oklahoma Democratic Party exist anymore? Their website doesn’t. And they haven’t posted on social media in 2 months.
Good Christian Love.
Browser history remains uncleared
I made tiny bound books! What should I do with them?
any kind sir got any referral codes?