Today is a sad day for Redditors
Post your last saved image and I'll tell you how it defeats Goku.
What's the freakiest anime you ever watched
Rest in Peace u/Pirated-Hentai
If i don't delete this post within a week, i'm dead.
Yeagerbomb people ain't dead yet
Give me your best idea
What’s ur streak rn?
Which op would you never skip?
Favorite character that has fought Nazis?
Okyee fellas, I may need some help
Your last saved image made Man cry, what is it?
Today is my 16th birthday
Explain a video game horribly and have other people guess it
Favorite detective?
Do this for any fandom you’re in and let everyone else try to guess it.
Men, what do you think when you see a girl you like?
Type "I like waterfalls" with closed eyes
What is this game called? [Wrong answers only]
🤔Which Live action, actually got it right???
Daddy chill
Who's the second greatest white rapper?
What’s your type of woman
Guys where do you pee?