Advice needed!
Which heracross would be better?
I open reddit and first thing i see is this🙂
Cricket nhi dekhne se deshdrohi banjaate hai kya?
Need advice
Movie suggestions please!
Toh kaisa gya maths exam🤣
need hacks in which full pokedex can be completed
Which one would be a better bike for a beginner?
People are blasting songs on a loudspeaker 😭😭😭😭😭
Monthly random discussion & queries thread on bikes...
All the male species here...
I'm in debt of my crush
Foundation related
Foundation 2025-im not getting scared anymore.
What difference to the brakes make?
Is tvs raider 125 a good beginner bike?
Creeps collection
Is ca foundation doable in 1 month?
Some Help Regarding First Bike
Jan 25 Foundation preparation query
Unable to clear dimension rift
What are some good games on mobile?