Why does weed make me anxious after being a stoner for 3 years
Charcoal Expressions
Need a substitution for alcohol
How much Zyrtec to kill my eagle???
What is this pill will it send me to Jupiter?
Deliriants vs Inhalants: Which is worse?
I have no words, is the eagle dead or very alive?
My parents make me feel disgusting for being gay.
Take THAT transphobes B)
I Am Your Swag Protector
This guy def killing his eagle ☮️🦅
Fellas is it a bad idea? 🥺
In response to u/Brazilianestophile
The forbidden pen
Holy shit i can get high and be a pretty princess in my mugshot too😍
how much hot dog water crystals will it take to kill my eagle?
This’ll have my eagle fighting fast food employees
77 Ways to Protect your Eagles
My mom's domesticated frog. Fattest frog I have ever seen
Biggest Tool fan all the way from Kenya
What if we smoked out of the grogu umbilical cord bong?
cant even get a shit job
You can Instantly gain or lose weight In increments of 165lbs
You can turn one of your hands Into a random animal hand/paw/appendage once per day.