Some shots i took on PC [KCD2]
Masterstrike for everyone [KCD2]
Can i go to the Wedding? [KCD2]
Only console peasants will understand [KCD2]
The post below made Henry feel weird. What did he see? [KCD2]
Jan of Semine Drip is needed [KCD2]
[OTHER] *RE-UPLOAD* The original post is no longer showing images. I have no idea what happened, so here they are again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
What’s on your wrist
What advice would you give young Kiryu?
wtf is this console
Stranded on a island a year til rescue. Which stack you going with?
Favourite karaoke song from any yakuza game?
I've upgraded my Controller, watcha think?
Best Ichiban's gang member?
Games that made you read a lot (and enjoy it)
Who is this guy? Wrong answers only
My girlfriend designed a farm! Any tips/improvements?
I wish i could look like this but unfortanly i was doomed of being born as a 6'1 ft brazillian guy
r/Yakuzagames community day 1: Comment your LEAST favorite job from LaD and IW. Most upvoted one is taken out
I don't like how Tomi interrupted this Yakuza's Free Section
Is this no suitable housing?
Girlfriend got me a series x for Christmas so I could play borderlands 4 on release. Any good games I should look into in the meantime?
Jane´s Team now better with her or still with lucy?
No lighter?