Which Character Did You Dislike At First But As The Movies Went On, You Grew To Like
Which Character Could They Have Gone Into More Depth?
Which Character Do You Think Had Potential For A Deeper Storyline?
Which Characters’ Story Do You Think They Should’ve Gone More Into Depth On?
Which Character Do You Think They Could’ve Gone More Into Depth On?
Which Character Had Your Favorite Development?
Do You Have A Date Tomorrow?
If you had to rewrite Blair, how would you do it?
Which Character Had Your Favorite Development? Or You Just Warmed Up Too?
Most Controversial Character?
What’s your favorite chapter in the entire series and why?
Which Character Will You Dislike No Matter What Anyone Else Says?
this game is so ass
Do you hate squirrels?
Choose or die: Which one do you choose? 😁
21F Am I ugly, or just out of style?
Which Character Will You Be Against No Matter What Others Say?
Rate my room 1-10 and explain why
19M, finally not homeless
What should I do to improve it?
Which Character will you dislike no matter what others say?