[Fem V] Don't worry Judy, I'm still all 'ganic up here.
[Fem V] Never Leave Loose Ends
[Fem V] A dagger behind her smile.
[Fem V] It appears I've made quite a mess.
[Fem V] Training Session
[Fem V] Leather and Chrome
[Fem V] Just Taking Care of Business
[Fem V] Ready for a date with Judy
[Masc V] I'm a simple man...I see an Arasaka convoy...I ambush it.
Make this comment section look like Lucy’s search History.
[Fem V] Don't worry, business is taken care of.
[Fem V] Basking In the Morning Sun
[Fem V] How's this deal? I keep my eddies and you die in a bloody mess as I explode your shiny Valentino chrome?
[Fem V] Infiltrating Dog Town
Received my christmas gift from myself today!
[Fem V] Chance Close Contact
[Fem V] Hello There!
[Fem V] ohhh nooooo... it's a bikini. OMG!!!
[Fem V] Take my iron and try to avenge your choom and Maman Brigitte...I dare you!
[Fem V] Embracing Imperfection
[Vera] Try and take my iron to avenge your dead choom and Maman Brigitte...I dare you!
Try and take my iron to avenge your dead choom and Maman Brigitte...I dare you!
[Fem V] Just an Ex-Corpo Merc and her aggressive negotiations with the Maelstrom.
[Fem V] Got your drink from Claire? Good, let's talk business.
[Valerian] Going Dark