Does anyone think they are purposefully misleading us about Cobel ?
Did Milchick hint at Cold Harbor's meaning?
Season 2, Episode 10 "Cold Harbor" Classifications
why does Myrtle Eagen wear red in the perpetuity wing?
The importance of Severance’s “filler” episode and what it reveals about Harmony Cobel and the show’s story as a whole
Patricia Arquette is Beautiful
Wild theory about how Cobel's background and motivations COMPLETELY re-contextualize a key Helly moment from season 1
How I think I'm going to look with micro bangs // How I actually look with micro bangs
The Problem With the Cobel Reveal
Cobel is not our friend.
Cobel’s Reveal Just Changed Everything
We get it. You enjoyed the episode and you’re better than the people that didn’t.
Weekend mission is impossible given Khonshu hasn’t dropped
Infinite with AgaWolf
Agamotering your way to infinite
Please enjoy each card equally.
Needed some weekday motivation, so I made this print for my office
Not sure if I'm upset or..?
Man I dont know If I got 100+ more games (against guardians) in me anymore.
S2E7 revealed a lot of loose ends from S1!
Haven't fired up Chrome in a bit but today I noticed this BS
Homebrew Redwing to Infinite, I love this card // CL 16k
With less than 24 hours left, what are our thoughts on diamondback?
I think the new consensus about Lumon is wrong
Should I buy moonstone (CL 12k)