Mitochondrial dysfunction in long COVID: mechanisms, consequences, and potential therapeutic approaches
Just curious how many here developed long Covid within the last year?
Why do you not drink alcohol?
What's a kink that many people have but you find disgusting?
If you thought your country was three to six months away from a violent collapse, how would you prepare?
What comes to your mind when a man refers to himself as an “Alpha Male”?
Progress /update
Can plastic surgery (specifically breast implants) cause or worsen cfs?
Tips for managing the morning hit by a bus feeling
Update recovery progress
I will send $1,000 to anyone that can restore even part of my cognitive abilities
Can you guys work? Do you? How are you holding up financially these days? Are you from the US, Canada or EU?
Is anyone else an emotional wreck during crashes?
Daily vomiting from migraine?
This is going to sound so stupid. But a part of me is scared of my body recovering.
Where do you see yourself in 60 years?
Americans: what is your opinion on Canadians boycotting US goods, services and tourism?
Anyone find relief of brain fog with Rapamycin?
Would getting lab work done for this be a waste of time?
Anyone do “rare disease” genetic DNA testing?
Needing to hear positive recovery stories
Has anyone else “become Ace” due to ME/CFS?
Anyone catch LC after 2/3 infections?
Red Light Therapy
Can someone read this fucking paper so we can talk about it