Did a little video for Liberty Day (I died for the ending frame)
This diver has Toretto's driving skills
Not only its a waste of a limited resource, but it can explode your team if you run it with the FRV later because its on the ground
Can we just ask these guys to get rid of the spores?
Did I understand it correctly: we can liberate the planet, but after MO is done it still will be lost to the Gloom?
Breaking news: Diver infected by gloom has stalker abilities.
probably the coolest thing ive done sadly
I never dev anything before. But in 2020 Half-Life Alyx put me in game dev... My 1st project
If you ain't chilling with the boys on extract, what are you even doing?
Finally encountered mythical Karate Titan
I made this instead of sleeping last night
Useless Detail: You can melee regular chargers but if you melee a spore charger you're in for a surprise!
This game is just a long cutscene
Should I check the door?
Didn't know they installed Ejecto Seato
Peak Physique with a hatchet is a really fun combo
Safest place near Exosuits
PATCH 01.002.106
This doin numbers.. Cookout and guard dog
Predator Hunters can attack while being invisible
Democracy protects me from Traitors like you
If the Jet Brigade was made up of Devastators with Jetpack, it would be 1000% more intimidating
Terminids have cities now! Even one of their heavy nest variant is more complex!