Say Something Nice About This Game
What if Armored Core 6 has an arcade port (edit by @hierogliphix on Instagram)
Why so simple, yet so expensive?
Now the update is over, what's your thoughts on the Kaizen handling as the base of the next nfs?
Reason how's lack of Tradition Chinese. Since no Hong Kong locals verify the elements.
Well over ten times as many people on True Achievements have played Test Drive Unlimited 2 than Solar Crown
Bored at level 60
I dont think Youtubers should announce "Victory" just yet...
Will this game have good customization?
League challenge not completing
This update all around is pretty rough
Need For Speed Unbound Volume 8: What happened Kaizen? What Happened?
How do you perform takedowns animations on ME: C?
NFS Excalibur/Unbound poster at Criterion
Am i the only person that thinks the day races in heat are a chore to do?
need for speed mobile has initial d collab event
Truly one of the game release dates of all time
NFS Heat feels like it should have been a night-time-only game. Daytime races feel so bland and tedious... Unchallenging even being bellow the recommended rank, and at Hard difficulty.
Say what you will about the graphics, the game does have its moments, especially at sunset or sunrise
Feedback Wanted: Drift Mode
3 games, same place
Lime Green Camaro just too good at the game?
How nostalgia ruined the Need For Speed Community
New to series: Which of these should I start with?