More stuff that drawed during school
Ask Nikolai Anything
My new avatar, something more simple and somewhat realistic..
What stupid stuff would you do whit the feedbacker in real life if you had it?
Is there any G&B kit that i can use without being the one from zaldy?
Hello, its your favorite Motorstorm: Apocalypse player, with yet another few lore questions!
pão, corretivo, din-din e sandália
Why dis Slayer looks so mad 😭😭😭
Would you win in a fight against your avatar?
So, what is your prefered device?
the white death
I have never used profanity on reddit
More stuff that i drew during school.
This robot slides in front of you, what you do or say?
Why is Barry doing Bru😭🙏
Yyyeeerrraarrsessarseaandimth grasssmannpunkyeeyahhavinh
Your avatar just happen to take a stroll on a nearby forest and stumble across this, what does your avatar do?
What regiment am I using?
Lore reason on why HSD units always look bored/tired
Wondering what game do y’all use to pose,for your avatars
Which one of you mfs made this
Your avatar died. What do they say while dead?
Aquila stuff that i drew during class (note:read body text)
New party