Life Ban On Convicted Politicians Harsh, 6 Years Enough: Centre To Supreme Court
Are the extra mission packs worth it?
Is saying "Not bad" mean the same as saying "Good"?
How do y’all pace yourselves?
What is your reason for not having kids?
Some kid hit my service dog and the parents yelled at ME.
How hard, or easy it is to get pregnant?
“That’s the worst thing you can tell a parent”
Indian parents have a mindset that they never gonna need anyone in their life. Is it right?
Healthcare is an absolute Right
Why do a lot of people dehumanize government employees?
10 Reasons to Stay and Leave india.
Why do women cover their mouths when eating?
23m American guy. I just retired an am looking to move to India.
Which is a greater blessing: having loving parents or having rich parents?
An adults only restaurant opened in a nearby city, so of course a petition was started to shut it down
Why do people want kids when they can't afford a good quality of life?
Why do Indian parents say, 'Be grateful for everything we provide'?
Do you think our country should have population control bill because of Overpopulation
"I paid to use this bathroom"...
Wyoming: I hope we never lose your public lands
Why Do Recruiters Reject International Students?
How do doctors not get sick from treating patients?
Missouri bill proposes registry for pregnant women to reduce abortions
Not the biggest fan of police hitting people, but I can make an exception for train vandals