I packed litmanen fantasy from an 81+, am I correct in thinking his upgrade team is Barca?
Is this a goal or not???
Rebounding drills in weekend league
What are your thoughts on current gameplay?
Passing on Fc 25
Look at the current state of passing in FC25.
Anyone else holding this bag?
Fantasy Felix SBC duration extended
EA shares that they are testing a new technology system to matchmaking for 48 hours. No additional details are provided
I only pressed X with longball + inform Ederson.....
Backline Boss not adding intercept playstyle in-game or on FUTGG. Why?
Bale standing 5 yards offside as I get the ball to start a counter. Do we get another gameplay patch this year?
Courtois on sweeper keeper++ comes to collect/clear and runs away from the ball and attacker
ÇALHANOGLU curl it in evo but he’s only 38k
Bastian Schweinsteiger FC PRO Open Champion ICON SBC
Which one is better? Is he getting any upgrades?
Getting a win after a quit is live.. and it’s half assed and basically useless.
Lakers get a new 5
If someone closes their game or shuts off their console/pc, it won't count as a win if one of those conditions are met?
Cheating on PC is ridiculous
Why would anyone play for Elite 1? The difference is only 5k coins. Rewards are weird this year
The change EA made to people quitting is utterly pointless
I think EA missed an opportunity with stadium ambience
The ‘Quitting while drawing’ update is a slap in the face to the community
PC cheating problem?