This moment will forever make me laugh
Put your HK confessions in this thread.
Season 6 Tennille
I'm in genuine shock that Scotley actually made himself a snack in the middle of a punishment
What is your opinion about this contestant ?
Was anyone on Hells Kitchen ever on Master Chef or vice versa?
Should they do another All Stars season?
Day S Smurf aka Bluejay Day T
Season concept you’d love to see but would never happen?
What is the Hardest Station in Hell’s Kitchen?
Season 15 red team toxicity
S08 E05 - The primary reason why I disliked Russell
What is your opinion about this chef ?
Season 23
Just started watching S10 was Tavon that bad ?
Who’s more annoying in the show ?
Thoughts on Kimberly-Ann Ryan?
HK Winners Tier List(S1-S23)
What’s your opinion on this legend? (Don’t click if you haven’t watched the finale)
💥Hell's Kitchen Best Quote Of Each Season: Season 23 (Need to update the list from last year's game)💥
What if…
Put these 4 in the same season. Who wins?
Since most people on this sub don't like him, here's a challenge: say something nice about Billy (also known as B-True) (Season 21)
What is your favorite/ iconic quote(s) in the show ?