Top 20 Games to Play Before You Die (As Voted by Reddit)
Want to start a new series/movie any ideas?
Which anime is the best out of these 4?
What are your favorite DC comics and why?
What’s anime you absolutely despise?
What's your favorite game genre right now - and what games do you recommend from it?
Top 10 anime from each year of the last decade
what do you do after beating the main story in a game?
Expand your tastes children
What's your First - Ever Anime?
What are the top 5 anime of the past 5 years?
What is your "I did not care for the godfather" in video games?
So, which three games are they then?
Shows that went on for way to long, but if you stop at a certain point and treat it like the finale is a 10/10?
Graphics. Gameplay. Story. Which is more important to you?
86 is so damn good.
TV shows with a lot of characters and death
I had to stop watching TrashTaste because I can't stop envying the hosts lifestyle and it making me depressed
Anime like Solo leveling with the whole videogame level up system?
When did you start liking comics
Behold, all the romance anime I’ve watched, am I missing any?
This is my friends favorite anime any recommendations for him
How do you finish long games 20h+
What's your favorite seinen that most people dont know about?
What got you into the Yakuza Series?