If we were roommates and you caught me looking like this, what's the first thing you'd say
Who can trade me a
Can any body help me get sark race i need raids done
Who can cary 5 raids for me
Can anyone trade Buddha for shadow
What can i get
Who can yrade me Buddha for shadow
Who can help me get v4 later
Who can help me awaken 💡 fruit
I need help
Who can help me get Mirage Island
Who can help me get ripindra
I need mirror fractal and Mirage Island who can help me
Who want to find Mirage Island
Day1Of posting Buddha fruit till I get the perm from somebody
Who wants to find Mirage Island with me don't like to be lonely
Probably the coolest way I've ever won a game.
Every other sea event but Mirage
Will anyone trade me gas for