I would gladly die to boop that snoop
A lifelike replica of Sue, the most complete T-Rex skeleton ever found. This is the most scientifically accurate T-Rex model ever created.
Weird charity find
I think we can all agree on this one...
Day 54 - Tucking in Sadcat for bed. Good night to all the kitties <3
My Sad Homesteading Story
All dogs are urgent at the Palmdale shelter in California. Please help us get them seen and saved!
My gf made a bearded dragon birthday cake (modeled after ours)
You good, America?
Visiting from anaconda, what is there to do?
any cc for this style?
Goodbye, Camping Dog. She was 19 yrs old. Eulogy in comments.
I Think My Apartment Is Changing While I Sleep…
Need Olivia’s thoughts on this immediately
Benny Blanco surprises Selena Gomez with a bathtub full of queso cheese dip for Valentine’s Day: “When your fiancée isn’t much of a flowers girl…”
of a dog on PetFinder
This Dog on Petfinder
My super model baby need a name
Father and daughter dancing on their walk is the best thing today
My young grandmother and other family members around 1933. Old photography is really breathtaking.
Felt gay might delete never, Harambe Bambi, mixed media, 2025
Romance bar decreasing on its own?
My mum brought this beautiful girl home and I need name suggestions. Preferably exotic plant names because she loves being in the garden
Found this lovely lady on the side of the road yesterday. Looking for a fancy princess name.
Montana came out in -5° weather!
Amazing turnout at the Protest today!
Posted this on r/sourdough not expecting many people to get the reference, but apparently a lot of people do! How was this symbol so wide spread pre-internet?!
I can’t believe this shit is in my US history class