Ever heard of the "Mariko Aoki phenomenon?" Well, a perfume gave it to me
What are rude things people commonly say that seem harmless?
What is the cheapest fragrance you’ve smelled?
What fucked you up for the rest of your life?
Where is everyone from?
Have "babyface"—get no respect?
How many back up bottles?
For the niche girlies, what’s your favorite designer fragrance?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
Should I get something because it’s beautiful?
What is your favorite Lychee Perfume
where do you guys work? do you wear fragrances to work?
What is the oldest bottle you have in your collection that still smells good?
Which perfume matches this aesthetic?
A first impression of Sphinx that no one asked for
I know someone in here will help my find out this fragrance, only by the bottle.
Must try perfumes?!
What’s your favorite tuberose scent? Mine is Madonna Truth or Dare! Smooth, easy to wear. Not cloying at all, which can be hard to find in tuberose. Yeah, it’s discontinued. So sad.
What pairs well with garlic
Feelings of inadequacy…?
No Judgement Here- Gimme Your Drugstore Ride or Dies!
What perfume would each of the power puff girls wear?
I saved my original Curious charm for 19 years and just reunited it with a brand new bottle ✨
I finally own a Britney bottle🥹
What is your ideal collection size?