What is happening to my cat's eye?
High-Stylized Comics
(Superman/Batman #6) This panel really bothers me
Bro even carried Harley Quinn 🥲
is ssktjl that bad
The Justice League shouldn‘t be in the Arkham-Verse
Some recent screenshots I took 🦇
I just realized, is Arkham Joker the most evil and backstabbing Joker there is?
SSKTJL isn't/shouldn't be an Arkham installment
How to generate "Edward Skeletrix" esque images
Mutahar Anas and His Son (His Name Jeffrey)
Anyone else dislike modern Batman comics?
Science based studies?
The Barbara Gordon scene in Arkham Knight....
Robin is smart
Suicide Squad. Is it actually gonna be good?
What unannounced game mechanic do you hope is already in the game / is added post-launch?
Dude this goes hard
Is it too late to play the Alpha-fred?
Player bounces after exiting ragdoll
Is the show better than the movie? Only watched the Zach snyder movie so thats my only reference of watchmen