Is there a way to request where your next C section scar goes?
(Scheduled) c-section without morphine?
Excessive urination in young toddler??
When did you tell your parents ?
Mother wants me to stop breastfeeding…
Tylenol for a fever or let the fever do its work?
Postpartum Hair Loss Chop?
OB keeps putting in my med records that I’m a “current some day smoker”?? 21w3d
Why am I so fixated on Kendrick's halftime show?
Is it considered acceptable to touch the body at a viewing?
Future SAHM, alone and freaking out
I Have Hated the Medical Side of Pregnancy
just learned I'm not a great candidate for VBAC, struggling.
Still get flu shots?
Does anyone dislike pregnancy so much that they stopped having kids or decide to adopt future kids?
For those who exclusively formula fed?
Pelvic floor challenges?
Got Preemie clothes as a gift from MIL. Baby has not been born and no reason to think she will be premature.
Did you actually “push” during labor?
Daycare didn’t feed my 6mo old for over 5 hours
When did you realize you didn't have a baby anymore?
Did you bring colostrum to the Hospital?
If I go to the ER as a post-partum mom will they let me stay with my baby?
Baby gas. So much baby gas.
Alex's exit