I need help asap how do i calm down somebody help please :DD im so fucked
I think LSD might be fucked for me.
My first 500ug trip
Did anyone get a cold?
I abused the 3 month rule for the first time and waited 2 months and the roll was amazing but the comedown felt TERRIBLE
I’m immune to LSD. AMA
Best Music for Tripping?
I’ve done mdma every weekend for the past 6 weeks
calm down fuck oh help
Is ketamine worth trying?
Can ketamine cause insomnia even after several days of using?
I took 600ug worth of tabs and I’m not feeling much at ALL, but I also took 1mg xanax 12 hours before. Did the xanax completely kill the trip or did I get scammed?
I hate no caller id
The best ketamine rappers?
Trying zyns for the first time, thinking I may have made the mistake of getting a 6mg instead of 3mg pouches, is there too much of a difference between them?
Waited over THREE HOURS and am still barely feeling any affects. Are my tabs fucked?
Interactions with LSD and cyproheptadine? Its an antihistamine
Haven’t taken MDMA in like 4 months and it was my first time taking it as well. I took 150mg last time but it wasn’t anything crazy like that
Why tf are benzos so physically addictive
I did maybe half a gram over the past 3 days and have slight bladder cramps
How much is a triple stack of MDMA
What happens if the sender put the wrong address on a parcel during an international shipment and theres no valid return address
Blacked out, didn’t have the best morning.
Does 2C-B have a slang term where you are?
Have you ever seen how hard ants work while high? WTF!