I can't agree to disagree anymore
feel like I’m losing my husband to the MAGA cult
My 78yo Dad says he “looked up” who voted in Nov 24 and found his parents and grandparents all “voted” for Biden.
My dad turned. I’m the only one left.
MAGA 78 yo Dad says he discovered his parents & grandparents all “voted” for Biden in Nov
Will I need to be using Miralax forever if I stay on Zepbound forever?
Does the “food noise” and hunger go away after 1st dose?
What's your opinion on Pamela Bozanich? Do you think she's a bad person?
Will the 1st Gentleman decorate the White House for Christmas?
How long was it before you knew you were discarded?
Do I ignore my Mom’s refusal to talk to me ? Or try to make amends?
How do I parent my introverted daughter?
14 y/o Daughter growing distant
“The Coming Storm” is worth listening to and may help deal Qasualties
I Gave Up on My Family — Sharing the Story of Losing My Family to Decades of Conservative Media
I feel like my extremely religious and conservative (+Q) family has made my so uncomfortable with religion I am even skipping religious holiday music….
I'm destroying the relationship bewteen my GF and her Family
I lost my dad to Q during the last months of his life.
Do any of you know anti-vaxxers who take Hydroxy or Ivermectin when sick with Covid? Does it’s hurt them or “help” them?
Love Jesus, Love my husband of 24yrs, but feel I have no choice but to leave him because of how he treats us because of his conspiracy beliefs
Anyone out there still get along with your Q family?
Parents refuse to get vaccinated and would rather lose jobs. I’m beyond livid.
Funny/not funny
Does anyone else keep it a secret that you’re vaccinated?
I’ve watched many Q “documentaries” to try and understand. I find myself laughing. How do our loved ones not laugh at this? Have any of you actually spent time watching this stuff?