What are some features you want to see in ghost of yote?
Official DNDAI Request Thread: February 2024
Been waiting a LONG time for the day to install this game. That day is today. Hoping my wife leaves me alone this weekend. Any and all help or advice is appreciated.
Parody Portraits
Hard Question: What's your Favorite Line in the Entire Series?
Official DNDAI Request Thread: November 2024
What are some missed storytelling opportunities in Power Rangers?
How you imagine its design?
This is gonna be fun
What kind of night shift occupations do ya’ll have?
What silly thing have you done from being tired?
As a nurse
Millennial gamers, do you see yourself continuing to play video games when you are old?
Those who work night shift .. what’s the best thing to come home to in the morning?
boyfriend on night shift; how can i support him? any advice to get through it?
Do you take break for eating? I usually eat while working. Also, at what time do you usually hace your "lunch"?
Starfire takes a photo of her and Nightwing. Who do you think Starfire is going to send the picture to? (Art by Kahulset)
Guys, let's talk. What do you like most about Teen Titans?
What video game is this to you?
“NOT HER, NO!” Still gives me the chills.
May Have Gone A Bit Overboard
If X-men has X-men 97 DC should give Teen Titans a Sequel called Teen Titans 06
Who would you nominate as the strongest individual rangers?
What are some non-Power Rangers movie roles you would have given to the original MMPR cast?
All the lady mentors/tech supports get together for brunch or something. What do they talk about?