What’s your favourite conspiracy theory?
Why in your opinion do relationships seem harder to get into nowadays?
Why are relationships hard to get into nowadays?
Why are relationships so hard to get into nowadays?
Going through bit of a dry patch, any advice?
Why are relationships so confusing/frustrating these days in your opinion?
What totally depraved kink are you into in the bedroom?
When and how did you lose your virginity?
When will it be your turn to be happy?
What do women want?
What way do you want your partner to act in the bedroom?
What will be your last words?
Why do I get more female attention when I’m in a relationship then when I’m out of one?
When will it be my turn to be happy?
Why is it that I get more female attention when I’m in a relationship then when I’m out of one?
What animal do you think is an accurate representation of you?
What accent is like nails on chalk board to you?
What’s a genuine 10/10 film in your opinion?
How did you become such a Top G?
What tastes better than it smells?
What piece of clothing when on a member of the preferred sex makes you go wild?
How would you get someone who hates reading to start?
What are your opinions on the Tate brothers?
What’s a typically unsexualized part of the body that’s actually super attractive?