Aký je podľa vás dobrý plat v Bratislave?
Changing jobs
Soon to be master graduate starting his career in Germany (Small vs Big Company)
Is life truly better in the EU compared to the US?
Everyone from outside see only positives but what are the problems inside?
Fastest way to become data engineer
Kde ste najradšej pracovali?
Is it possible to get a job in Europe speaking only English?
Hladam dobrý serial
What would you do if you were 18 again, starting your college CS degree?
Thank you, GeForce Now
Cant believe how good this is.
what’s some advice you would give yourself 10 years ago?
1 evening at Zurich before moving to Switzerland and Zurich area
30M - Senior Software Engineer, bachelor's from a no name school
Ekonomický zázrak Slovenska
From Poland to USA
Definitely beats the 5 inch plane screen✌🏼
[WeWantOut] 32M 26F Sweden -> USA
ps5/nintendo hra
Dobra xbox one hra pre local coop
netflix is down
How much do y’all work?
Naleteli ste na nejaky finačný scam? Ak áno, tak prečo?