My Friend is CHEATING on his WIFE.
MENTION YOUR BIGGEST TRUAMA. and people will tell you solution.
GIRLS! WHAT do you find ATTRACTIVE in a BOY??
Girls!!!! Why do you like FAKE personality BOYS??
Do girls like Average looking men with better dressing sense vs good looking men with bad dressing sense??
What is Head gesturing?
Rate me , pajeet , currycel🤣
Sus puffcorn
Can a boy and a girl just be friends?
What Whey do protein do you consume?
1.25 years of progress,yay or nay(Sorry for bad image quality)
Flexing my stack:)
How to Manage/Hide Having a Larger Than Average Penis
f(27) Chillin' with My Cousin sister, High as a Kite! Ask Us Anything in the Comments
Writing this while crying
What was your peak Sade Sati phase like?
Question about Rahu Mahadasha?
Hi, why am I miserable? What are the “not so good” placements in my chart?
I don't have any planet in my 7th house will it affect my marriage?