Always a classic
Old man showing his incredible puppeteering talent🤯
Week 2 players leaked already by renderz
Finally caught it
What's the coolest thing you own, that isn't expensive?
What’s a song or movie that instantly becomes 10x better when you’re high?
People who lost a best friend, what went wrong?
Which artist or band do you think has had the most significant impact on the music industry?
What's a cultural or societal norm you strongly disagree with, and why?
What's a skill you wish you could master overnight?
What’s a career you think doesn’t get the pay or respect it truly deserves?
If you wanted to create a cult, what’s the first belief you’d convince your followers to adopt?
Unlucky grinders like me wont have any of these
OMG! Packed the 🐐
Even after completing all the matches I can't take the reward??
Even after hard sniping this card is unattainable, any suggestions?