Trichodiadema in bloom! 🌼
First time bloom!
There are exciting times
Todays bloom.
My Yellow bird mount experiment work out fine in the end
Germinated from seed, now they give me a flower
What type of pothos and worth cost?
Hoya wayetii
T. duratii seedling
Went to pick up bread and this just showed up in my cart.
Streptophylla kindergarten
Patiently waiting for these peduncs to pop
pachyclada red corona and pubicalyx Pink Dragon are both in bloom :)
All from a couple neglected cuttings! (sometimes neglect is what a plant needs) 😂
Some Orchid blooms
It's so shiney! It's also one you won't see too often. Gur. aurantiaca 'John's Orange Jewel' AM/AOS
Dendrobium love
Finally my Spruce in the pot I made
Bloom update
Just moved into a new place and the previous owner left these behind. When do I need to water them?
Which would you choose?
This is the reason why I can't bring myself to get rid of this old, beaten up thing.
Does anyone else have a Pitt or that snores like a dad?
Haworthia and friends
FINALLY saw my favorite cedar waxwing:)