You're in India on a train with your wife and kids. You walk through carts but a madman trows your wife out of the moving train. What would you do?
Would You Die Right Now, But You Fix Every Global Issue
Instantly Receive 20 Billion Dollars in Your Bank Account Right Now, But Lose All Human Connection
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What do you miss the most from the 90s/2000s?
What has a 0% chance of happening in the next 50 years?
There Is No Real Innovation Anymore
What’s a food combination that sounds weird but is surprisingly delicious?
Ordered a Bowl on DoorDash to See if the Problem is as Bad as it Seems
What video game will forever hold a special place in your heart?
Fixing Climate Change Should Not Fall On The Regular Citizen
At this current moment, how optimistic are you about the next 5 years of your life?
How do you personally deal with any stressful situations?
What are you better at than 80% of people?
Medical Workers and Morticians of Reddit, What is the Creepiest Thing You've Experienced While Working?
If you break up with your partner right now and never talk to them ever again for the rest of your life, you get 300k dollars. What do you say?
VALORANT Console Limited Beta Megathread
Cat owners of reddit, what makes cats so appealing as pets?
How Would You Feel About The Ultimate Treyarch Zombies Experience.
This kind of player is insufferable
What's your favorite video game of all time ?
What Moment Led To A Reality Check In Your Life?
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