What are your ranking predictions?
I got a forced win today sometimes chess can be a little silly
TIL that you can long castle even if the square next to the rook is attacked
Why do I suck at bullet, relatively speaking?
Which programs are known to have the most down to earth and innovative students?
Why do people care so much about rating vs just getting better?
The hidden cost of always being "On"
Hit a 1000 In 3 formats
What level of mistake would make you quit before fessing up
Nick put the blame on Mahomes, but, did something slick, brought down TB12 down as well
A Monday morning fantasy…
Here's the SuperBowlLIX prediction you've been waiting for! Please remember, this is just for fun, so don't take it too seriously & if you ever dreamed of being in a video game, check out our competition tomorrow!
Have you ever worked for a company that said they’d pay for your MBA but behind closed doors told co-workers an MBA doesn’t mean anything?
Live show in New Orleans
I got this guy from a free agent and he was worth the 30 credits.
Less expensive options for watching Football?
Why not brilliant? :<
I Feel Like Adam Had Terrible Luck This Season
How high can you go?
The Buffalo Bills Have a Kansas City Chiefs Problem. The Solution Weighs 1,909 Pounds.
How come Lamar is so slow in RB25?
He really took my queen 😗
I’m disgusting😖 I’m 1100 and my opponent was 1800, I lost on time though
Is there any way to influence play calling?
Y'all got pissed when Nick suggested Ben Johnson might be getting a bit too cute, and he was right the whole time