Realm of Tempered Valor should never come back!
To the whales: Who’s C6 have you had the most fun with and why?
A lot has been said about the combat event, but imo it's all missing something important
Final Dissertation! I NEED YOU GUYS (a 5 Welkins Raffle included)
I think many people are just ignoring the complaints about the Tower Event..
The recent event reminded me of the infamous "anxiety" interview
Reverse Game Mode : Survive Bosses within the time limit.
After almost 5 years playing with no breaks, this is the first limited event reward I was not able to get.
Why is everyone so concerned about the new event?
2.4Million Damage while Being F2ap
Amazing Event, Keep it coming
How good is Mizuki's weapon? Who will it be good for, besides Mizuki herself?
hacker in my friend list (?)
Which characters have you managed to reach top10% on akasha with?
Why there's no changes?
To the people who are upset over a worthless cosmetic - would you've preferred if they locked primogems behind completing floor 20 every day?
The Event Discourse Has Come Full Circle
not to be that part of the community that complains about everything, but this is the bullshittiest bullshit of all bullshits.
Hoyo Needs To Stop Doing This
People Deserve Content
Genius Invokation TCG Mistake
Looking for (and offering) boon on friendship on US server
I don’t understand what hoyo is doing with these combat related events.
Opinions on the new event?