How to deal with drastic mood swings after quitting?
Rolled with my coach.
Has anyone ever met a Gracie online university colored belt?
Day 1
Anyone tried Improved Health oils/capsules?
Feeling Like a Zombie
What do brits think of Elon Musk?
Best Courses for White Belts
Rashguards for fat guys?
Anyone experience sucky physical symptoms upon quitting? If so how long did it last?
Hit by a wave of depression
Please tell me this will level out soon
lungs for bjj
Excessive sweating
Should I reintroduce edibles? 2 months sober
Been sober for 3 days should I get some edibles to taper down to limit withdrawals or continue coldish turkey?
Sativa vs Indica CBD
31 Days Sober – Lessons After Quitting Cannabis
Smoking weed is the only thing I can think about atm, is smoking really that bad?
Do people around you see the difference between you-smoked and you-quitted?
Best CBD for anxiety and insomnia
4 days no weed. Feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and emotions.
Restless legs
What were your symptoms?