Is this up for debate? Or is Kel Knight universally accepted as the best character in the show?
Krabs is a.... (Wrong answers only)
I know I want to do it, I know you want to do it, why can't someone just do it?
Why isn't anyone doing it? Are we just scared to do it? Why can't we just do it?
Why isn't anyone doing it? I know we are all thinking it, but why aren't YOU doing it?
Scariest Episode of SpongeBob
This choice feels like none of my business
Da Kath and Kim Code
Smoke good, eat good, live good...
What is your town's most interesting piece of history?
Who does your brain immediately think of when you see this?
I'm making your favorite video game into a multimillion dollar movie, and you're auditioning to be a background extra who says your favorite line of NPC dialogue! Give me your best line of NPC Dialogue from any video game!
I never noticed this tiny detail about Act 3 Gortash!
Favorite NPC line?
Who do you think Ricky Saints is hinting at here?
Tom Haverford DnD Character
Such a love/hate relationship with this pose
Does Maui from Moana jerk himself off or do his tattoos give him a hand job?
New Judgment Day Member?
What’s your favorite album of 2006?
What's your favorite way to win a fight?
Baldy's thought they could slip a Dunkey reference by us? Are they biased and stupid? Fkin Dick Urkel lookin ass
What did you choose in Act 3? I can't make my mind up
Chelsea Green
Tiffany Stratton