Which scent do you think this guy wears?
Almost every episode’s name does have meaning.
Why did Naughty Dog never bring Cutter back after U3?
[Mafia: Definitive Edition] Just got my 50th platinum!
Finally finished all 4 Uncharted games last night
Uncharted 2 train boss fight
We all have that one level we don't want to do this is mine
Half of Lazarevic's body is burnt, how did it happen? *(Wrong answers only)*
Matilda (1996) is an example of a comedy that gets better with age. This is because modern audiences can laugh at the idea that a hospital stay only cost them $5,000.
Catwoman’s body is kinda thicc
Borderline inappropriate
What's your favourite Paramore song and why?
On season one right now, hate Thea
Just made this character. What the HECK should I name him????
Day 5! Jeff blew the competition away
Day 2! (Nathan was also contesting for the place.)
He's a criminal, a thief! (I voted for Tobey)
With almost 500 votes, Linda gets crowned as the only normal person! Now, who's "Uhh... what's your name again?"
The verdict is out, Lucifer is the hot one! Now, who is the only normal person in the show?
About to have sex what uncharted quote should i use?