Does anyone else remember Sophia Sanduval? Her Relationship with Peter was great.
The Ericson’s students were way too small, how the heck is this possible?
I take it this comic isn't canon, but... what bending would these two sub-bendings even belong to!? (Analay is a textbook example of an insert OC ngl 😭)
In a now deleted tweet, Mike Pollock (Eggman's current VA) encouraged his fanbase to publically call a community member slurs
still no neo metal or silver 🥲
Is there a Discord Server for Jakks Figure Collecting?
Movie Wave 3 Knuckles features THE FLAMES OF DISASTER
Can WE get a Hell Yeah?
Pics from the Korean War.
Jakks is Peak.
Can y'all guess what this list is?
How would you defend Lilly's actions
Tom Aspinall provides an update on the Jon Jones fight: “I’ve said yes to the fight, just waiting for his side now, and the UFC to sort it out, I should imagine I’m gonna find out in the next couple of weeks.”
What do you think about male hedgehogs being the one ones to achieve a super form?
Chechen War Pics.
Iwo Jima, February 1945. View of a Regimental command post in a sandbagged position near the front lines as they fire mortars against Japanese positions.
Pics from the Ukraine War.
What are some hot takes to kick off the New year?
Let me know what you think!
I got them in time for the movie
They really lost a 5v1. Kid's a Goddamn beast.
What Some Kickboxing Classes Does To a Guy.
Inspired from a post I saw on Instagram: The FIRST 3 letters of your name gets to be in your group
Your month your murder drones character