Where a left leaning gun shop close to Seattle?
Oh but I am.
Good news everyone, we got him
I'm just into the lore
Be careful about applying to adopt a dog from someone who posted a litter on the other Seattle sub
Tattoo Shops for Beginners?
Mysterious drones over Seattle
Where do I meet other lesbians in non-alcohol centric spaces?
Recommendation for laser hair removal
Electrolysis Recommendations?
one of the few times the British were unfathomably based
Last online: 3 days ago.
This is just copied from our DMs...NATO girls are a different breed.
Saving Meow
But wait! Dual, dual G9 posts!
Cathay is the most fun total war faction I've played in a while
Fiber DP 1.4 solved an artifacting issue I was having with the Samsung Odyssey Neo G9
I just got introduced to Egg_irl and am having an identity crisis. Thoughts?
Raising a future Phoenix King is rough on a single mother
Kinda proud of how far my bewbs have come! You could say that.... Tits been a journey. (I'll see myself out.)
Came out to my wife 2 months ago. At 43, this is terrifying but we are working it out.
The Burnout is Real
Refactored battle station, waiting for my G9 Neo preorder (I didn't stage the cat)