What happened to the back of this shirt and is it possible to save it?
Can anyone turn one of these pictures into the Tony Hawk Pro Skater "Select a Character" or "Custom Skater". Doesn't matter which game you want to use for background.
Why Miley Cyrus?
Hey! There he is! It's Brian Griffin!
Now, in the spirit of the season, start shopping! And for every dollar of Krusty merchandise you buy, I will be nice to a sick kid.
Shoutout to the people still keeping it active on PS3!
One of my favorite scenes with God.
What is your favorite flash-foward to the future joke/cutaway from an episode?
It's Patty who chose the life of celibacy. Selma simply had celibacy thrust upon her.
Hello, Jerry? Homer Simpson. Remember last month when I paid back that loan? Well, now I need YOU to do a favour for ME.
TIL in 1967, the whiskey brand Canadian Club did a "Hide a Case" advertising campaign where they hid 25 cases of their whiskey in exotic locations around the world. There are still 9 cases still hidden with one being above the Artic Circle.
Just figured out that Jeff Fischer voiced a photographer in Tony Hawk's Underground
Haven't been a big reader my entire life and struggle to find a book I'd enjoy. Any suggestions?
What are your opinions on season 2?
One of the best cutaways from Season 2!
The Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, under the supervision of the reverse vampires, are forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner! We're through the looking glass here, people.
In the Silverdome, now ablaze with flashbulbs as Hooray for Everything leaves the field. Of course, the stadium's much too big for flash pictures to work, but nobody seems to care.
What's your favorite version of Sonic's theme? Sonic Adventure or Sonic Adventure 2?
Ma'am, would you be interested in changing your long distance service? What the... she hung up on me.... What did I do?
♪ Shaving my shoulders ♪ ♪ I'm getting it all shaved off.. ♪
Cartoons don't have to be 100% accurate, what's your favorite moment of breaking the fourth wall?
Hey, I'm gonna go toss the virtual salad.
What's your favorite quote or moment from Springfield's chief of police, Clancy Wiggum?
"You're banned from this historical society. You and your children and your children's children! ...For three months."
People who got out of a ticket or a criminal charge, what happened or what did you do to get out of it?