Am I ugly? 18M
Do you think season 2 will be better or worse than the game?
[Match Thread] Valladolid vs Real Madrid | La Liga | Matchday 21
Screw all the negativity. What's something you DO like about yourself?
Should i Buy or avoid this game
Team of the Year (full team now in packs)
Is this Card worth 500k?
Lead producer at EA confirms there has NOT been any reversion to the latest patch
Toty pack
All the fodder you need for Flashback Kimmich because some asked for it
Which player to choose from those 3 as a deep-lying playmaker?
Should I submit old promo, SBC, foundation, Evo cards into sbcs
Can i still complete 89x5 pack?
Real Madrid and Leverkusen Friendship
Am I the only one disappointed in the new TOTY Icon Bale?
I hope Ea is behind this, I can't believe anyone voted for Shaw
My First Ever TOTY Icon, Should I Sell Him?
Question about Patch
How Do You Keep FUT Fun? Share Your Unique Playstyles!
What do you guys think
Who would you use in the CB TOTY EVO between these 4
Opinion: The 12th man TOTY card should be an SBC.
Now that defense is in a low point what would you change about it? Would you leave it as it is?
A break from the patch topics: You got a penalty to take the lead in extra time, which way are you aiming?
Are certain times of day/days of the week much harder?