inherited a record player, now I'm a vinyl person
Average Oasis lyrics
Why are these not available?
Best Oasis album
The Rolling Stones Heaviest Song ???
One more member
HIDDEN MESSAGE: If you take the first letter of every song on side 4 of Exile, it spells "ASSS", a subtle reference to how the album fucking sucks
The impact of the Muffs on Green day cannot be overstated
Sabbath Bloody Sabbath needs a remaster. Yes?
I'm retiring
The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960. The core lineup of the band comprised John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.
Type your favorite Pink Floyd album and favorite song using only emojis.
I wonder how Jahn would feel about his son winning a Granny award
My gen 1 kanto pokémons tier list
What are your top 5 favourite songs on animals?
Most fun Green Day song to play on Guitar, Bass and Drum
Which singer/music artist/band do you listen to non stop everyday?
What are you really good at, as an autistic person?
which fictional characters yall think listen to gd?
What do you guys think is the heaviest Black Sabbath song?
Who else thinks Pig was underrated?
Weekly Questions Thread & PokéROM Codex
Guys did I artist?
Remember when Tré messaged me?