How did this guy pass his citizenship test?
Your rent in NL/Canada/Aus etc is not relevant to Cape Town
Communication is about understanding, not being right [image]
What comes to your mind when a man refers to himself as an “Alpha Male”?
What do you imagine if I said “I’m halfway through shearing my sheep”?
A woman divorced husband because he Booed Taylor Swift at SuperBowl 😳📄
What is something everyone loves about Cape Town, but you secretly hate?
The Weekend i paper puzzles. What are the 6 differences? we only have 2
ELI5: How do incarcerated people get jacked if all they eat is prison food?
Shall i update my edge50pro to android 15?
How would you want a girl to ask you out?
Why does Reddit say ‘cheaters never change’ when this is clearly illogical?
Lucy Letby's lawyers apply for case to be reviewed by commission
Anyone have an album from a relatively unknown band that's 10/10?
Safety in Cape Town: Myths and Reality
I lie and say I know applications in job interviews, learn them on my own within a few weeks on the job and have yet to be called out on it in my career
What’s a time when you had feelings for a woman that ended up playing you?
What’s the first game that comes to mind to fit this description?
Why are people in the U.K. so against a national ID?
Are you proud to be British? If not, why not?
Bro said it
What's the giant paper filing system that filled a room in the NHS, called?
Whats that one genre you can't get into no matter how much you try?
Motorola Edge 50 Pro Bluetooth Problem after Android 15 upgrade
Do all knots make a rope shorter?