🌈 ❤️
It's ok Milk 🤍
Bevilaqua and Gismonte hitting a 75k score (137,500$ in 2025) at 23 years old before crashing out on Christopher because they weren’t “getting anywhere”
Little animation i did of Milk
Milk And Mocha Art
🍪 for U #shorts #milkmocha #milkandmocha #milkmochabear #bears #animation #cuteanimation
Did Chase do this on purpose?
Gwenchana~ 🤚🏻
Hinamatsuri! 🎎
Hollywood Dick’s accent in Many Saints
Netflix and chips.
Who is the most underused, underrated character that doesn’t get killed/written off, and exists in early and late seasons.
Why Did Furio Stand Downwind of Tony at the Helicopter when He Knew Tony Was Gonna Pee
I saw the video of the bear scratching his butt against the rock and it reminded me of that video of Mocha, so I decided to put them together 😅
Milk surprises Mocha!
JAT - Jugoslovenski Aerotransport
Have you ever met someone who hated the show?
Mocha at the movies
When Milk Met Mocha!
Did they position AJ as a potential football star because they expected him to grow up Gandolfini sized?
Did Johnny Sack really spend 425 thousand on his daughters wedding?
As far as male modeling, I'd probably be a success.