Hey guys need some help identify some paint color.
Which class/spec has changed the most since 2004?
Just finished painting the kap'n and his gitz. Do think Badrukk will be heading to legends or getting a new mini in the next codex?
Howz ma deffcoptaz?
Ork Kommando
Are there any groups that do warfronts in Battle for Azeroth?
Cast tournoi PVP mensuel / FR Cast monthly PVP tournmaent
Couldn't find pictures of all the Exile's Reach new player armor sets so I made them myself to share with the community! I think they're pretty awesome.
Am I the only one that can't get a refund ?
[New player] There is any auction house or equivalent ?
We've had a streak of issues and bugs in BFA mentioned on the /r/wow frontpaged that promptly got fixed just because they got exposure. So here are a few more.