After 400 hours of carrying around a torch for dark dungeons, I learned today that this item exists... What's the most basic mechanic in Elden Ring that you've long overlooked?
Any tips for a new player?
What weapon is your last resort?
what icon/hero would you like to see in the future?
0x87dd0003 error
{Requested}. Danny Trejo PS (updated code) / PC (new)
yeah this is big brain time
I started to play Nioh 2 at first DLC release. Then I deside to finish Nioh 1 to 100%. Past 7 days I try to catch last twilight mission and still no luck. Perfectionist inside me not allow just delete the the game.
9.7 dragon dance damage or 4.4 active skill damage on Benzaiten build ?
It turns out the media was right! Video games do cause violence. Based on the last game you played, what are you getting arrested for?
Split staff + switchglaive