Who’s your favorite Pokémon Youtuber and why?
Which head should I use?
Which Faction would most likely make a Tripod ?
When I do get my first moving pyramid (Monolith) which one should I make
I'm just getting into Warhammer 40K
What’s y’all’s second fav army other than necrons,
Why does Helbrecht have brass armor?
Why do you guys like the dark angels
Being swayed by heresy…
My Wife is starting out and needs some reassurance. Kind words appreciated.
I’m fighting my friends, 1 Custodies, the other is world eaters is this a good list for both of them
Lokhust Lord Kitbash
Caption this:
Help me purchase a vehicle
Would these guys count as dark angels?
40k on a budget
Deathwing Knights for my Imperial army
What Pokemon would you consider your “ace”?
Got these guys for xmas to help start my army, are they still viable in the game or was this a wasted purchase?
What Star Wars Character could barely be considered a droid?
Need list advice for my son
I’m a newbie to Warhammer, here’s my main questions for all of you who are willing to answer!
Dark Angels Judiciar
How likely are we to see a Lychguard/ Praetorian/Deathmark/Immortal refresh?
Do people often get grief for 3dprinted bits?