Has anyone received their Haslab Giant-Man replacement eyes yet?
Eternatus needs a second/hidden ability.
Projected Birmingham Regional Day 2 Usage Stats
Why is Palkia popping up more frequently?
Mini comic wave or as I like to call it - "Here is all the figures we messed up last time so here is their vastly improved version." *Rom excluded*
How are you guys finding reg G?
Is it good?
Thoughts on Gastrodon?
Strategies for dealing with Weezing Caly Shadow Dozogiri teams?
Best counter to Rillaboom on a Sand Team
Pokemon vgc worlds final performace (all age divisions)
/r/VGC Explain-a-Stat Sunday - January 12, 2025
Interactions Between Demolitionist and Scenario 72?
Struggling to Overcome Helping Hand Miraidon Nukes. Any tips?
Boots of greed with scavengers magnet synergy?
Should Empoleon get different stats?
What are your honest thoughts about the AEW Worlds End card?
Archetype Chart Reg G
I didn't post it back when I made it, but I wrote a team report for Groudon + Gouging Fire in Reg G, after Indianapolis regionals. Here it is now.
More shiny sitting cuties?
VGC Quick Questions Thread - December 22, 2024
What were they thinking when they made scenario 14 ?
What’s the deal with Lashley?
Reg I duos
Good TR Team or Outdated?