In my last post of calculating Carl's gadget cooldown, someone told me to calculate his HC rate... so I did
Mythic lobbies are pure agony
Bro wasn't prawn ready
Is Moe technically Charlie 2.0 but worse?
Did I miss something? How do you get this spray?
What are some great synergies you discovered?
Season Token events should have all evos unlocked
Which battle card will you get
Pay to win guys also got frustrated
I have a lot of coins(7000+) and few power pionts(1500+) who should I upgrade for ranked?
Reached 9000 with my favorite card, Barbarian Hut. AMA
Willow bug number 1718833929, her super can cancel Belle's mark
How do you train yourself to play claw and is it worth it to relearn it completely just to play hank and angelo effectively?
Is 180 cm (5'10") considered short?
Have you guys actually seen a shorter guy - taller girl couple IRL?
Just got Juju
Other 5 8-9 guys(or an inch below you're countries average height) how do you feel about you're height?
Is it possible to reach Legendary in ranked with these brawlers avaiable to draft?
22F I want to be considered a “Stacy” or a very beautiful woman. Surgery advice is wanted as well!
Ranked Roster Recommendations?
Omegle got called short 5'9
Supercell is so greedy with evo's if ur F2P or just dont wanna spend 20 bucks
Since +1 Gadget gear got reworked, i think everyone should get their gears refunded
Would Brawl Hockey be more fair if the base speed of everyone is increased?
What is the point of ranked mode now