Thoughts on people who make their lives(goals, house, food, car, etc) revolve around a fictional character?
My lonely neighbor is turning 75 years old tomorrow. What should I get him?
What is something that people assume is “normal” in relationships but is actually toxic?
What resources normally have hard questions?
When doing insertion sort using stacks, is it easier to use dynamic arrays or linked lists?
When doing insertion sort using 2 stacks, is it easier to use dynamic arrays or linked lists?
Is CS still good, despite AI and "walang board"?
This piece is quite literally titled “Got my period lol”.
free yes/no tarot reading!
WTG in a day
Lf samgyupsalan around city
How do I make a snuggly doll that’s also very sturdy?
How are sturdy stuffed toys made?
Is it possible to sew a doll that’s very comfy and snuggly but also sturdy?
How did we get to y from lny?
What sex dolls do you normally use?
How do you make sex dolls?
How do you make soft and snuggly sex dolls?
What materials are normally used in sex dolls?
What are your thoughts on people completely devoted to a fictional character?
What are signs someone’s attachment to a fictional character is becoming weird/creepy?
What’s something from the 2000s you miss?